Premier league clubs committed to finishing season as no deadline set at meeting

The premier league clubs have committed their desire to complete the 2019/20 season -but have not yet agreed on a deadline to resume action.

The premier league clubs convened on Friday morning as the sport continues to grapple with the unprecedented coronavirus crisis gripping the world .

It was understood that some clubs were in favour of ending the campaign by June 30 ,with the complications of contract expiration dates among the key issues .

But the premier league bosses have failed to agree a deadline,though the league have insisted it "it remains our objective" to complete all matches this season .

A premier league statement said: "we are Acutely aware of the distress  COVID-19 is causing and our thought are with all those directly affected by the pandemic.

" it remains our objective to complete the 2019-20 season but at this stage all dates are tentatives while the impact of COVID-19 develops .

"In response to the pandemic,The PL,Our clubs and players have provided vital support for communities and the NHS and will continue to do so after matches recommence .


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